Why Phantom Premium Pickleball Camps?

Learn from the best!
✔️ Built by pros for all skill levels
Tested techniques to level up your game and
train properly
✔️ 8:1 instructor to player ratio
Guaranteed, personalized one-to-one instruction
It All Starts With The Basics
✔️ Analyze Your Grip
Try different grips to figure out which one is best for you
✔️ 3 Keys To Winning
Practice serves, returns and 3rd shots to win more points

Fun & Friendly Atmosphere
✔️ Interactive skills & drills
Learn drills you can continue to practice at home
with friends
✔️ Strategy Session
Ask the pros questions and hear their stories
Custom Camps Designed For You
✔️Beginners to Advance Instruction
Build your own camp that fits your specific level
✔️ Simple To Spectacular - We Offer It!
Team building for a corporate event...
Phantom can make it happen